Showing Collections: 161 - 170 of 186
Thomas P. O'Brien Personal Papers
Collection — Container: autobio
Identifier: CSV-Conf-O'Brien_TP
Scope and Contents
Includes handwritten autobiographical stories and an autobiographical listing
Created: 1926, 1935, 1984
Found in:
Viatorian Community Archives
Unknown Confere Personal Papers
Collection — Container: Homilies
Identifier: CSV-Conf-Unknown
Other: Majority of material found in c. 1968-1972
Found in:
Viatorian Community Archives
Collection — Container: GD newsletter
Identifier: GD-Pubs-Viator
Scope and Contents
Viator is the newsletter published by the General Direction of the Clerics of St. Viator. It was the successor of the Annuaire, the annual publication of the Community. Viator was proposed to be a timelier vehicle for news, published 3x/year and intended to stress unity in 3 languages: English, French and Spanish. The format is a softcover booklet (6.5"W x 8.75"H)
There were 8 total publications for the 4 years. ...
Created: 1970 - 2011; Other: Majority of material found in 1970-1973, 1984-2011
Found in:
Viatorian Community Archives
Viator (in transition)
Identifier: US-PV-Prov Off-Pubs-008
Scope and Contents
The publication Viator is the succesor to the Annuaire. Initiated by the Generalate in 1970 as, an instrument for supplying information and deeper knowledge of our Founder and our origins. It was intended to stress unity among various Viatorian Provinces by being printed in three languages: English, French and Spanish. The idea of this new publication was to provide a timelier vehicle for news than the often late, Annuaire. It was to be published three times a year,January, April and...
Created: 1970-1973; Other: Majority of material found in NULL
Found in:
Viatorian Community Archives
Viator Information
Identifier: VI
Scope and Contents
This newsletter was first distributed in September 1972 by the new General Direction with Fr. Thomas Langenfeld from the United States as the Superior General. The by-line in the first issue states "...with a familial tone, the General Council wants to echo the life it leads by informing the confreres of the visits it makes or receives, or certain interesting points in its deliberations, of documents which come to it , and finally, of some happenings of an international character in which...
Created: 1972-1984
Found in:
Viatorian Community Archives
Viator Web e-Newsletter
Collection — Box: 1(2001-present)
Identifier: GD-Pubs-011
Scope and Contents
Viator Web "facilitates communication among the General Direction, the various provinces, foundations, and institutions of the community." A hard copy of the digital newsletter is printed for historical preservation. Numerous issues are missing, including the years 2004 and 2005.
Created: 2001-present; Other: Majority of material found in 2001-2003, 2006-2012
Found in:
Viatorian Community Archives
Viatorian Annual Retreats
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: US-PV-Pr SE Off-Ret
Scope and Contents
Each Viatorian religious sets aside time each year for contemplation, renewing and focusing his spiritual life. He usually participates in an annual provincial retreat which is a special time to share Viatorian Community life.
The collection holds the materials from these retreats, including correspondence, agenda, handouts, presentations, attendees, etc. The materials from the early years are sparse; the later years have better documentaion.
The collection dates from 1903 - the present...
Created: 1903-2014
Found in:
Viatorian Community Archives
Viatorian Community Council (VCC)
Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: US-PV-Prov Off-Gov-VCC
Scope and Contents
The VCC collection contains only one folder of meeting minutes at this time of the first inaugural meeting which was held on July 7, 2011.
Created: 2011-present
Found in:
Viatorian Community Archives
Viatorian Houses of Formation
Collection — Container: novitiates
Identifier: US-PV-Nov
Other: Dummy Date
Found in:
Viatorian Community Archives
Viatorian Novitiate Collection
Identifier: CSV-Form-Form-Nov
Other: Dummy Date
Found in:
Viatorian Community Archives
Filter Results
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- Subject
- Meetings 5
- Governance 4
- Querbes Cause 4
- Angels 2
- Formation, Spiritual 2
- Guardian Angels 2
- News 2
- Philangeli 2
- Angelus Prayer 1
- Art 1
- Biology 1
- Business Ethics 1
- Calendars 1
- Catholic Church 1
- Catholic Education 1
- Daily activities 1
- Deaf--Education. 1
- Directories 1
- Friends of the Angels 1
- Hypnotism 1
- Immigration 1
- Junior Colleges 1
- Law 1
- Mental health chaplains 1
- Military 1
- Missions 1
- Missions--Southwest, Old. 1
- Psychology 1
- Reading 1
- Sculpture 1
- Seminarians 1
- Shrine of St. Anne 1
- Social Justice 1
- Sociology 1
- Spiritual retreats 1
- Spirituality 1
- St. Anne Novena 1
- St. Louis Mission, 1842-1847 1
- Veterans 1
- Vocations, Ecclesiastical 1
- Vows 1
- Woodblock prints 1
- World War II, 1939-1945 1 ∧ less
- Language
- French 10
- Spanish; Castilian 3
- Names
- Provincial Office 20
- Created Collection 17
- General Direction 17
- Sweeney, Joan (Mrs. Joan Sweeney) 5
- Mission Office 4
- Querbes, Louis, 1793-1859 3
- Bernard George Mulvaney (1907-1995) 2
- Emmett M. Walsh (1905-1974) 2
- Heffernan, Patricia 2
- Jeeves, Mary Angela 2
- Provincial Council 2
- Querbes Commission 2
- Viatorian Novices 2
- William R. Anson (1923-1986) 2
- Angelo F. Rinella (1890-1983) 1
- Belloc, Hilaire, 1870-1953 1
- Bergin, William J. 1
- Bertrand, Victor E. (Fr. Victor Eugene Bertrand, CSV) 1
- Biladeau, Clarence J. 1
- Breen, Martin J., 1877-1931 1
- Campbell, Roy, 1901-1957 1
- Cardinal, Edward V. (Fr. Edward Victor Cardinal, CSV) 1
- Carpenter, William L. 1
- Charles L. Maranto (1922-2011) 1
- Charles R. Williams (1909-1986) 1
- Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936 1
- Chiniquy, Charles Paschal Telesphore, 1809-1899 1
- Colegio San Viator, Bogota, Colombia 1
- Columbus College 1
- Communications / Public Relations Office 1
- Crilly, James F. (James Francis Crilly) 1
- Czerwionka, Francis T. (Francis Theodore Czerwionka) 1
- Dawson, Christopher, 1889-1970 1
- Development Office 1
- Edward G. Shaw (1910-1967) 1
- Edward T. O'Neill (1907-1975) 1
- Edward W. Gorman (1910-1995) 1
- Elder A. Senesac (1916-1994) 1
- Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns), 1888-1965 1
- Eugene A. Mierzwinski (1926-1995) 1
- Eugene J. McCarthy (1896-1967) 1
- Eugene J. Sullivan (1913-1997) 1
- Formation Office 1
- Foster, Robert C. (Fr. Robert Campion Foster, CSV) 1
- Foundation of Belize 1
- Foundation of Colombia 1
- Fournier Institute of Technology 1
- Fournier Institute, Lemont, IL 1
- Francis A. Wisniewski (1913-1982) 1
- Francis E. Munsch (1885-1968) 1
- Francis E. Williams (1915-1993) 1
- Francis J. Moisant (1880-1954) 1
- Francis J. Powers (Francis Joseph) (1913-1995) 1
- Francis P. White (1917-2014) 1
- Francis T. Williams (1907-1970) 1
- Francis X. Hazen (1882-1960) 1
- George G. Harris (1937-2002) 1
- George P. Mulvaney (1885-1929) 1
- Gill, Brendan, 1914-1997 1
- Gregory A. Galvin (1896-1942) 1
- Guiney, Louise Imogen, 1861-1920 1
- Henderson/Las Vegas Region 1
- Hopkins, Gerard Manly, 1844-1889 1
- Hugh W. Robbins (1926-2011) 1
- International Querbes Commission 1
- James F. Larkin (1912-1986) 1
- James F. Meara (1907-1985) 1
- James P. Toolan (1904-1989) 1
- Jerrold, Douglas, 1893-1964 1
- John E. Williams (1900-1973) 1
- John F. Brown (1908-1983) 1
- John F. Koelzer (1885-1959) 1
- John J. Lane (1914-1994) 1
- John J. Monahan (1926-1996) 1
- John M. Palmer (1941-2023) 1
- John T. Ryan (1898-1977) 1
- John W. R. Maguire (1883-1940) 1
- John W. Stafford (1908-1970) 1
- Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784 1
- Joseph B. Tremonti (1912-2006) 1
- Joseph P. Gallagher (1920-1980) 1
- Kenneth R. Morris (1927-2010) 1
- Kenny, Michael 1
- Langenfeld, Thomas G. (Fr. Thomas G. Langenfeld, CSV) 1
- Lavin, Mary, 1912-1996 1
- Lawrence R. White (1918-1998) 1
- Leo M. Weiland (1912-1990) 1
- Leo V. Ryan (1927-2016) 1
- Liauthaud, Pierre (Frere (dit Pere) Pierre Liauthaud, CSV) 1
- Lunn, Arnold, 1888-1974 1
- Lynch, John P. 1
- Maloney, William T. 1
- Maurice A. Dailey (1911-1970) 1
- Michael J. O'Brien (Joe) (1920-2003) 1
- Mission Advancement Office 1
- Moisant, Francis J. 1
- Nolan, Thomas B. 1
- Norbert D. Ginsburg (1912-1971) 1
- Nowak, Walter A. 1
- O'Connor, Frank, 1903-1966 1 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more