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Showing Collections: 131 - 140 of 186

Religious Orders of Women

 Collection — Container: Religious women
Identifier: 047
Scope and Contents

This collection contains correspondence, photographs, newsclippings and historical documentation on numerous religious orders of women involved with the ministries of the Viatorians in the past through the present.  Included are the Benedictine Community, the Congregation of Notre Dame, the Dominican Sisters, Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady of Guadalupe, Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary, Servants of Mary, Sisters of Notre Dame and the Sisters of Providence.

Dates: Created: 0 - 0

Robert C. Foster Personal Papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: CSV-Conf-Foster
Scope and Contents

Includes photographs from Foster's ordination in 1960 and writings - one confrere funeral homily 1980 and a 1983 report titled "A Study of Present and Historical Data of Personnel and Ministry - Province of Chicago" and

Dates: Created: 1960, 1980, 1983

Robert C. Ruhl Personal Papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: CSV-Conf-Ruhl
Dates: Other: Dummy Date

Robert F. Cooney Personal Papers

 Collection — Container: framed St. Viator
Identifier: CSV-Conf-Cooney
Scope and Contents

1 framed picture of St. Viator award for 50 years of priesthood, dated June 9, 1957

Dates: Created: 1957

Robert J. Schoffman Personal Papers

 Collection — Container: Personal papers
Identifier: CSV-Conf-Schoffman
Scope and Contents

Schoffman was a Research Fellow at the Reelfoot Lake Biological Station in TN in1937 and researched there every summer while he was a teacher.  Includes journal publications of Fr. Schoffman's research at the Reelfoot Lake Biological Station in TN; a few personal handwritten research notes, data tables, charts and graphs; and two typed biological papers

Dates: Created: 1940-1959

Roger C. Drolet Personal Papers

 Collection — Container: thesis
Identifier: CSV-Conf-Drolet_R
Scope and Contents

Includes Drolet's 1929 thesis at St. Viator College in Bourbonnais, IL titled A Philosophical Treatise Showing the Possiblity of Miracles

Dates: Created: 1929

Scholasticate Logs

Identifier: 031
Scope and Contents The scholasticate is a house of study and formation for the purpose of perfecting the young religious in the knowledge of religion, literature, science and pedagogy or whom the Superiors have selected for the priesthood, to follow a course of clerical study. The logbooks contain the daily journaling of the scholastics which document the events and happenings in their lives. They are hand-written accounts. Sometimes the writers or scribes are identified, most times not. There is a large...
Dates: Created: 1928-1965; Other: Majority of material found in 1953-1965

Selected Documents on the Founder and the Foundation

Identifier: 019
Dates: Created: NULL; Other: Majority of material found in NULL

Seminary Aid Association

 Collection — Container: seminary aid
Identifier: US-PV-Mis Off-SAA
Scope and Contents The Seminary Aid Association included various programs to aid the education of men studying to become educators, brother and priests. 1) The Sponsor Club members - donated monthly for a seminarian and shared in Masses and prayers; 2) the Seminary Campaign from 1960-63 collected funds for the building of a Viatorian seminary in Washington DC. 3) The Nazareth League for sharing in spiritual benefits while aiding the Viatorian houses of study. 4) The Memorial Priesthood Fund was a scholarship...
Dates: Other: Dummy Date

Speaker Series

 Collection — Box: 1and2
Identifier: US-PV-Prov Off-SpSe

Presentations given by various speakers regarding our founder, Querbes, Advent relections, Lenten reflections, spirituality, faith, the Bible and books of the Bible, the Gospels, the Prophets and Islam.

Dates: Created: 2008-2009; Other: Majority of material found in Sep 2008-Dec 2009; Other: Date acquired: 03/06/2012

Filter Results

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Meetings 5
Governance 4
Querbes Cause 4
Angels 2
Formation, Spiritual 2
∨ more  
French 10
Spanish; Castilian 3
Provincial Office 20
Created Collection 17
General Direction 17
Sweeney, Joan (Mrs. Joan Sweeney) 5
Mission Office 4
∨ more
Querbes, Louis, 1793-1859 3
Bernard George Mulvaney (1907-1995) 2
Emmett M. Walsh (1905-1974) 2
Heffernan, Patricia 2
Jeeves, Mary Angela 2
Provincial Council 2
Querbes Commission 2
Viatorian Novices 2
William R. Anson (1923-1986) 2
Angelo F. Rinella (1890-1983) 1
Belloc, Hilaire, 1870-1953 1
Bergin, William J. 1
Bertrand, Victor E. (Fr. Victor Eugene Bertrand, CSV) 1
Biladeau, Clarence J. 1
Breen, Martin J., 1877-1931 1
Campbell, Roy, 1901-1957 1
Cardinal, Edward V. (Fr. Edward Victor Cardinal, CSV) 1
Carpenter, William L. 1
Charles L. Maranto (1922-2011) 1
Charles R. Williams (1909-1986) 1
Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936 1
Chiniquy, Charles Paschal Telesphore, 1809-1899 1
Colegio San Viator, Bogota, Colombia 1
Columbus College 1
Communications / Public Relations Office 1
Crilly, James F. (James Francis Crilly) 1
Czerwionka, Francis T. (Francis Theodore Czerwionka) 1
Dawson, Christopher, 1889-1970 1
Development Office 1
Edward G. Shaw (1910-1967) 1
Edward T. O'Neill (1907-1975) 1
Edward W. Gorman (1910-1995) 1
Elder A. Senesac (1916-1994) 1
Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns), 1888-1965 1
Eugene A. Mierzwinski (1926-1995) 1
Eugene J. McCarthy (1896-1967) 1
Eugene J. Sullivan (1913-1997) 1
Formation Office 1
Foster, Robert C. (Fr. Robert Campion Foster, CSV) 1
Foundation of Belize 1
Foundation of Colombia 1
Fournier Institute of Technology 1
Fournier Institute, Lemont, IL 1
Francis A. Wisniewski (1913-1982) 1
Francis E. Munsch (1885-1968) 1
Francis E. Williams (1915-1993) 1
Francis J. Moisant (1880-1954) 1
Francis J. Powers (Francis Joseph) (1913-1995) 1
Francis P. White (1917-2014) 1
Francis T. Williams (1907-1970) 1
Francis X. Hazen (1882-1960) 1
George G. Harris (1937-2002) 1
George P. Mulvaney (1885-1929) 1
Gill, Brendan, 1914-1997 1
Gregory A. Galvin (1896-1942) 1
Guiney, Louise Imogen, 1861-1920 1
Henderson/Las Vegas Region 1
Hopkins, Gerard Manly, 1844-1889 1
Hugh W. Robbins (1926-2011) 1
International Querbes Commission 1
James F. Larkin (1912-1986) 1
James F. Meara (1907-1985) 1
James P. Toolan (1904-1989) 1
Jerrold, Douglas, 1893-1964 1
John E. Williams (1900-1973) 1
John F. Brown (1908-1983) 1
John F. Koelzer (1885-1959) 1
John J. Lane (1914-1994) 1
John J. Monahan (1926-1996) 1
John M. Palmer (1941-2023) 1
John T. Ryan (1898-1977) 1
John W. R. Maguire (1883-1940) 1
John W. Stafford (1908-1970) 1
Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784 1
Joseph B. Tremonti (1912-2006) 1
Joseph P. Gallagher (1920-1980) 1
Kenneth R. Morris (1927-2010) 1
Kenny, Michael 1
Langenfeld, Thomas G. (Fr. Thomas G. Langenfeld, CSV) 1
Lavin, Mary, 1912-1996 1
Lawrence R. White (1918-1998) 1
Leo M. Weiland (1912-1990) 1
Leo V. Ryan (1927-2016) 1
Liauthaud, Pierre (Frere (dit Pere) Pierre Liauthaud, CSV) 1
Lunn, Arnold, 1888-1974 1
Lynch, John P. 1
Maloney, William T. 1
Maurice A. Dailey (1911-1970) 1
Michael J. O'Brien (Joe) (1920-2003) 1
Mission Advancement Office 1
Moisant, Francis J. 1
Nolan, Thomas B. 1
Norbert D. Ginsburg (1912-1971) 1
Nowak, Walter A. 1
O'Connor, Frank, 1903-1966 1
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